Monday, May 12, 2008

1984 Chapters 1-4

In the begining of this book we are introduced to a man named winston smith. He is 39 years old and a very skinny and frail man. He is the totalitarian political regime and he rules all of astrip 1. The city or whatever you want to call the neighborhood is getting ready for hate week( I cant remeber what that is but once I do I will clarify it). On the way home Winston points out four houses the ministry of peace ,the ministry of love, the ministry of truth and the ministry of plenty.
Here's what we find out about the ministers
Ministry of peace- deals with war
Ministry of love - deals with economic shortages
Ministry of truth- deals with i dont know what
Ministry of plenty- is the center for the parties activities

When he gets home he takes out a little diary that he had just brought and starts right ing in it. He gets a knock at the door and thinks its the police going to arrest him for writing in the diary. But lucky for him it was ms.parson a neighbor in his appartment building. Se talks about her "junior spy" children and how she was afraid of them, then she left. Later rhat night winston had a weird dream about his mother on a boat. He had allways felt responsible for his moms dissapearence. And in the fourth chapter he goes to work in the ministy of truth.
Things to discuss:
~The sign that says BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. That is seriously creepy to know that something or someone is allways watching you.
~I think something is weird about winston smith. I dont know what it is but i will find out.

Monday, May 5, 2008

All I have to say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea that John was going to kill him self. He was such a genuine character. But I had a feeling it was gonna happen. I have so many questions though, like what is the V.P.S? Or who was the girl that he saw. Because whoever it was that gave him no right to kill himself. Mond was full of BS the rest of the book he seemed like a robot with all of his "programmed" answers. Like about how he wanted to go to the island but didnt. All I know know is that this book is so good i want to read it a second time to understand it.