Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Favorite Sci-fi movie 2001: Space Odyssey

Chapter 5

I was right!!!! My hunch was right!!! Rachael Rosen is an android!!!! Rick tests Rachael with the Voigt-Kampff Test. If you dont know, the Voigt-Kampff Test is a test to see if a human is actually human or not.
When Rick was questioning here as a human she sounded resonable but as an android, she sounded so believable. To me Racheal felt like a human, but it was the way she answers questions and responces to comments that just felt too precise. Like it was to thought out and no humans think about a response that much.They just dont.If humans did then to me, this world would be rather parallel.
The sad thing about Rick testing Rachael was that she had no idea that she was an android.Eldon, Rachael's "uncle" never told her. In fact, he lied at the begining and said she was a human because she grew up on a boat. But in the end he said that she was an android, that he never told her and that she was property of Rosen Corporation. WOW!!!!!!! If I was Rachael I would feel betrayed.

Now i will leave you with one question If you were Rachael how would you react????????

Monday, February 25, 2008

My 5 questions

1. Are humans really androids?

2. In chapter 4, Rick and Bryant talks about a lot of Dave's thoughts. Why is that?

3. What is the point of migrating to mars?

4. Are the Rosens actually androids?

5.What is going to happen to John Isadore?

Chapter 4

In this chapter, Rick and Bryant have a long conversation. In it they talk about what happend to dave and they predict what will happen. Rick ends up going to Rosen Corp to learn more, to try to retire those Nexus-6 andys.
There Rick meets Rachael Rosen, one of the co owners of Rosen Corp. She asks rick a lot of questions, which to me i now think she is a android that can portray a human very well.They start to talk about animals and then they get right on track about the andys.Then they meet Rachael's uncle Eldon.
I feel like the Rosens are androids because of the way they handle things. Also I feel like they created the andys like in Frankenstine. So why retire it? Rick has no right in my opinion. But then I wonder if killing someone thats not human is murder. There is only one way to find out.........................................................

Chapters 2 and 3

This novel becomes more confusing and exciting in the second and third chapters. First we meet John Isadore, a special. In this story he is said to be a chicken head(also known as a special). Which I dont know why a special is called a chicken head. He's not married and he is alone in his apartment.
Isadore can hear the emptiness in the other rooms. Which makes me wonder why there are no other people around. Then he uses his empathy box and goes on a painful yet "realistic" illusion. Which it seems like a weird illusion because at the end, he ends up bleeding. So does that mean that what seemed like an illusion was actually reality?
Next Rick talks to Harry, the Police Inspector. He finds out that Dave was shot by a russian andy.Rick is happy that holden is in the hospital. He has been waiting for him to retire for a long time. I predict that holden will be killed and the andys will rebel and win!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chapter 1

We learn that the setting is San Francisco. It is very dusty and kind of in despare.The Rand Corp oration has been the major government-financed "think-tank" whose main job was imagining various nuclear war scenarios in order to justify the building of more and more powerful bombs and missiles.But the question i wonder is why is the rand corp still there when every one is evacuating from earth.

The first dead animals to be noticed were owls. The owl seemed important in this novel and I dont know why just that animal. What is the symbolism of the owl, and why are they significant here? Dick here anticipates the "nuclear winter" theory in a striking way. The term "android" was invented by science fiction writers to denote an artificial human made mostly of organic parts, in distinction to a robot, made of purely mechanical parts .I did some research and the word android comes from the Greek word "andros" meaning "man" and the ending "oid," meaning "similar to."

They are persuading the people left on earth with androids to migrate to mars on tv commercials.An android could be very useful and in this novel they seem useful but it looks like if most of the citizens on earth dont want or realy care for one, becuase if did they would migrate to mars.I think that is sick in a way because it shows that slavery is used and that is wrong. But it is smart also because it it gets the citizens to migrate. But also there is the fact that they are androids and not humans so in my opinion it wouldnt be called slavery.

Sloat, is J. R. Isidore's boss but, it's also the name of a major street in San Francisco. Why does the "silence" have an impact on Isidore? Mercerism is based on the same principle as the kind of Catholicism illustrated by the Stabat Mater: emotional identification with the suffering of a martyr.