Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chapter 19, 20, 21 and 22

This chapter was a little bland. Isadore knows that Pris, Roy, and Irmgard is dead and when rick comes out he confronts him. He then states that he wants to move to the city. Rick says that he could move to his apartment building. Of course he didn't want to, he was mad at him. He calls Bryant and tells him what happened. Then he went home and Iran looked scared, she tells him that someone rather a GIRL pushed or threw his goat off the roof. He knew it was Rachael.
He left that night and woke up thinking he was mercer, and thought he fused permanently with him. I think he just had a rough day, which he did. When he found out he didn't fuse with mercer he left and found a toad.
Iran told him once he came home that the toad was a machine. Who would have guessed that!!!!!!! He didn't care though which surprised me. Then he went to sleep and had coffee. In the morning Iran called for toad food and that's how the book ended. wow i didn't think the book would end like that.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapter 17 and 18

In chapter 17 Rick talks about the killing of the other androids. It is very interesting because everyone thinks he killed all of them. Also the question is will they ever have sex again? Even though we already know that wasn't Rachael's first time. He also threatens to kill her. He doesn't though. I wonder why. I think it could be because he is intimidated by her.

Now in chapter 18, we go back to isadore and the other androids. He starts helping pris move her stuff into his apartment. After all he did promise to shelter them. Also they find a spider,and pris hurts it. Dumb android, mercer "brings" it back to life. Then the unthinkable happens. We find out that he is not like god. He is a fake. Also buster freindly is an android but we knew that. What will happen next? I cant wait to find out.

Chapter 16

They did it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it. RACHAEL and RICK did it that night. I just don't get it though. If he is human and she is and android then how could they?Also would that mean that Rick cheated on Iran? I think that Iran will find out and they will have a very interesting talk about it. Its a love triangle. I just don't get where they are going with this "relationship" though? Cant wait to find out.

Chapter 15

In this chapter rick and isadore are present. First it starts off with isadore talking with the last 3 androids about what they are going to do. Roy wants to kill Isadore and then hide somewhere else. The girls want to keep him around. Isadore says that he will protect them. Also he says that he will try to make their stay pleasent . AW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then Rick looks to buy rabbits. But the salesperson persuades him to settle on a goat. Iran thinks its for her. But she latter finds out it is only for rick to "regain" his ego. Then he later talks to Rachael Rosen and tells her to come tonight at a sleazy hotel to do stuff. Something is bound to happen. Cant wait to find out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chapters 13 and 14

John Isadore is back!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In these chapters we are introduced to the two other androids, Roy and Irmgard. It was interesting to figure out who the last two were, thinking of the fact that in these chapters Pris announces herself as an android. Wait. Rewind. It all started when Isadore came to make her dinner. They started talking, and john asks if she had any friends. She said that she had 7 but the bounty hunters had gotten to work and they are all probably dead. Poor J.R didn't know what a bounty hunter was. she explained it and later said that is because they are all androids. She explained every thing. About their experience on mars, also how and why they left mars, finally they talk about all of their relationships as friends. I know I was confused after their talk was over, but I think Isadore might of understood her. ?Sweet Isadore, said that he would protect her. AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Predictions/Comments-
1. I feel that Malcolm's prediction is absolutely correct!!! One of the androids are going to betray or at least try to. There is no doubt about it.
2. Isadore and Deckard are bound to meet. I can feel it.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 12

In this chapter Deckard and Resch go to look for Luba, who is in the museum. When they find her, she is looking at Munch's Puberty. They talk and every time Resch says something Luba always comes back. See but the thing is that is the way Luba is . She is a diabolical android, which in my opinion is very hard to find. Luba tries to get into humans heads. Once she has then she tries to confuse them and get them to believe what she is saying. Only the dumb humans would go for that. But then again Rick almost fell for it in chapter 9.
Phil ends up retiring her while taking her to his car. R.I.P LUBA!!!!!! Then rick talks about the money and Resch tries to claim it. In that whole argument i believe that Resch was right. He killed Garland and Luft so he should have had the money. But then again rick was also because if he isn't human then he cant have the money for killing his own kind. But who is to say what is human?
So then Rick decides to give Resch a test to determine whether he is an android of not. He starts administering the test and he thought that Resch's answers were wrong . Then he started to test himself and found out that it was actually him that was inhuman not Resch. At the end he begins to wonder for the first time in his life if he was an android.
My Predictions:
1. Rick is an android. No doubt about it.
2. Resch will retire Deckard.

OK- The Paintings
1. Scream- I think it relates to humans because with the future we will always be surprised of the outcome. I don't think it relates to androids at all.
1. Puberty- I think Luba Luft was fond of this painting because she knew that men (human or possibly androids) were attracted to her. So when she looked at the painting she saw the innocence of the girl and admired it.(just a hunch)

Chapter 10 & 11

In Chapter 10 and 11 Crams takes Rick to the "new police station". He met Garland, head of police department and Resch, a bounty hunter. Turns to find out Garland is one of the Andys on Ricks list. Phil turns out to be like not only Rachael Rosen but like J.R Isadore. He is like Rosen because he doesn't know he is an android. He is like Isadore because he is like a chicken head. It is SOOOOOOOOO cute. We also know he has a pet squirrel.
In chapter 11 they continue that never ending convo about Phil and how much he loves his pet squirrel. Also somewhere in the chapters Resch retired Garland. GOOOOO RESCH!!!!!
My Predictions:
1. Resch will be retired after he finds out that he is an android, after Garland's retirement of course.
2. Deckard will turn out to be an android.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 9

In chapter 9, Rick searches for Luba Luft. He seems attracted to her. Which is really weird. I think that because when you think about it that would be like falling in love with your TV or Computer and that is totally WEIRD. Then he tells her who he is and starts questioning her. She is really quick in turning the table. She thinks he is just being very sexual.
Then Officer Crams come in. He scares me. I think he states that he is a Bounty Hunter. Which rick thinks that he is an android. I also became weirded to find out that there is a whole secret group of andys. To think of something like that happening without HUMANS finding out. That means that these andys are really smarter than the humans.
My Predictions:
1. Rick is going to fall for Luba Luft.(or vice versa)
2.The group of andys will start killing the humans of one by one.(like rick with the andys)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 was a Rick Deckard chapter. He searches for Max Polokov, the andy that laser Dave. After he talked to Bryant, about him going to see Dave first. Which Bryant quickly unapproved. When looking for Max he goes to his job and finds out that he was not at work.
Goes back to work and gets a call for SEATTLE. When I read Seattle I thought of the Rosen Corporation. Guess who it was..... Rachael Rosen!!!! She asks him if she could accompany him while he is bounty hunting. He doesn't want her to because he is stubborn. Then Bryant says that he has to meet this guy named Mr. Kadalyi. When he talks to him Kadalyi gives so many hints saying that he was max until. Rick says "Your not Polokov your Kadalyi". You would think that he mixed his words. That is what I would like to think , but i think he could have been confused. They end up fighting and then rick retires him.(And note Max was the first Nexus-6 andy he has retired.)
One more thing we learn is that he had marriage problems with Iran. He said that they had thought about separation and that he could divorce her.
These are my predictions:
1. Bryant was behind The Polokov-Kadalyi fight
2. Iran and Rick are going to split.
3. Rachael will start accompanying Rick

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chapter 7

In this chapter john isadore first goes to work. Finally I have been wondering whether he really had a job. Mr.Sloat is so mean. He calls Isadore a chicken head. Which he has never done before. He also gives him jobs that he cannot do. It is like Mr sloat makes him do it for HIS enjoyment.(Like the Gods and humans).John isadore also picks up a sick cat and tries to take it to the vet. Poor cat, dies on the way there. He talks to the owner and tells his wife what had happend.
The next thing that was buster freindly appears like if he is god. It is a shame that they feel that way. A tv-radio personale having so many followers is amazing.He also appears rich. In the rest of the chapter i was confused so it only comes to that point.

I Robot

I love Sci-Fi Movies and when someone as sexy as will smith is in one u have to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 6

In chapter six John Isadore, my fave character. He goes to his neighbors room in his vacant apartment. Of course he brings margerine so cute!!!! when She answers the door she attemps to smile. Weird ALLEEEEERRRTTTTTTTTT. Who attemps to smile.Then they talk and Isador becomes repetitive with his responses. Lets face it they are ment for each other.
1. They are both weird
2. they are complete foils( if you do not know what a foil is go back to 8th grade english)
One thing that weirded me out was when Isadore stated that the Empathy Box was an extention to your body.That makes me wonder if humans are too dependent on machines.
The rest is BLAHHHHHHH. Except for the end where the neighbor said her name was RACHAEL ROSEN but then after Isadore questions her she claims that her name is PRIS STRATTON. I think that "Ms. Stratton" or who ever she is is Rachael hiding. I dont know why but thats my hunch.