Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapter 15

In this chapter rick and isadore are present. First it starts off with isadore talking with the last 3 androids about what they are going to do. Roy wants to kill Isadore and then hide somewhere else. The girls want to keep him around. Isadore says that he will protect them. Also he says that he will try to make their stay pleasent . AW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then Rick looks to buy rabbits. But the salesperson persuades him to settle on a goat. Iran thinks its for her. But she latter finds out it is only for rick to "regain" his ego. Then he later talks to Rachael Rosen and tells her to come tonight at a sleazy hotel to do stuff. Something is bound to happen. Cant wait to find out.

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