Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 12

In this chapter Deckard and Resch go to look for Luba, who is in the museum. When they find her, she is looking at Munch's Puberty. They talk and every time Resch says something Luba always comes back. See but the thing is that is the way Luba is . She is a diabolical android, which in my opinion is very hard to find. Luba tries to get into humans heads. Once she has then she tries to confuse them and get them to believe what she is saying. Only the dumb humans would go for that. But then again Rick almost fell for it in chapter 9.
Phil ends up retiring her while taking her to his car. R.I.P LUBA!!!!!! Then rick talks about the money and Resch tries to claim it. In that whole argument i believe that Resch was right. He killed Garland and Luft so he should have had the money. But then again rick was also because if he isn't human then he cant have the money for killing his own kind. But who is to say what is human?
So then Rick decides to give Resch a test to determine whether he is an android of not. He starts administering the test and he thought that Resch's answers were wrong . Then he started to test himself and found out that it was actually him that was inhuman not Resch. At the end he begins to wonder for the first time in his life if he was an android.
My Predictions:
1. Rick is an android. No doubt about it.
2. Resch will retire Deckard.

OK- The Paintings
1. Scream- I think it relates to humans because with the future we will always be surprised of the outcome. I don't think it relates to androids at all.
1. Puberty- I think Luba Luft was fond of this painting because she knew that men (human or possibly androids) were attracted to her. So when she looked at the painting she saw the innocence of the girl and admired it.(just a hunch)

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